Financial reporting conference 2010

Access information about the 2010 financial reporting conference.

Tuesday, 19 October–Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Significant changes to the financial reporting and auditing landscape are imminent. The establishment of the Financial Markets Authority, the reconstitution of the Accounting Standards Review Board as the External Reporting Board, and the introduction of auditor oversight are all likely in 2011. Soon after that changes are expected in relation to who should have to report and in relation to tiers of reporting and the accounting and auditing standards which should apply to those tiers.

The conference features an outstanding set of speakers from New Zealand and Australia to address these issues.

Speakers and panel members

  • Andreas Bergmann—Chair, International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board,  Professor, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • Simon Botherway—Chair, Financial Markets Authority Establishment Board
  • Nives Botica-Redmayne—Senior Lecturer, Massey University and Member, Professional Practice Board, NZICA
  • Geoff Connor—Chief Advisor, Corporate Law and Governance, Ministry of Economic Development
  • Carolyn Cordery—Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington and Chair, Not-for-Profit Sector Advisory Committee, NZICA
  • Kimberley Crook—Partner, Ernst & Young, and Member, Financial Reporting Standards Board
  • Tony Dale—Technical Advisor, Accounting Standards Review Board
  • Murray Jack—Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte New Zealand
  • Merran Kelsall—Chair, Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
  • Patricia McBride—Director, Accounting Standards, NZICA
  • Kerry Price—Partner, Grant Thornton
  • Lyn Provost—Controller and Auditor-General
  • Kevin Simpkins—Chair, ASRB and Adjunct Professor of Accounting
  • David Smol—Chief Executive, Ministry of Economic Development
  • Kevin Stevenson—Chair, Australian Accounting Standards Board
  • Ken Warren—Chief Accounting Advisor, The Treasury, and member IPSASB and ASRB
  • Lee White—General Manager, Leadership and Quality, Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australia.

Conference chair

Emeritus Professor

School of Accounting and Commercial Law
