Youth and family
Explore the Centre’s research projects youth and family.
- From whānau to akomanga: How to use reminiscing in the classroom to improve children's development
- Ethnic identity exploration among young South Asian immigrants in New Zealand
- Promoting resilience through social identity in adolescents
- Bullying among New Zealand youth
- Stress and coping techniques in Chinese and New Zealand youth
- The Influence of family on Muslim youth in New Zealand and the U.K.
- Cultural differences in Chinese American and European American children’s drawing skills over time
- Effectiveness of a School-Based Indicated Early Intervention Program for Māori and Pacific Adolescents
- Identity, Acculturation and Adaptation in Muslim Youth
- Youth 2000 Project
- Community activity participation: a path to youth wellbeing
- Pathways to Positive Development for Muslim Youth in New Zealand
- Sāmoan Youth: Identity, Adaptation & Acculturation
- Settling In: Parent-adolescent family dynamics in the acculturation process