Michelle Gezentsvey Lamy

Michelle Gezentsvey-Lamy


  • PhD awarded December 2008 (Victoria)
  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.Hons), Psychology (First Class Honors)(Victoria)
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA), Psychology & French (Victoria)
  • Alumna of the CACR


Category: Alumni

Email: michamie@yahoo.co.nz

Selected publications

Gezentsvey Lamy, M., Barjonet, P. & Mores, C. (accepted for publication). Le risque perçu dans les transports Parisiens et les choix des usagers: Approche qualitative (Perceived risk in Parisian transports and user choice : A qualitative approach). Facteurs humains et technologies: La sécurité dans les transports. Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

LVMT (Barjonet, P. & Gezentsvey, M.) & LPUA (2010). Modelisation psychologique et prediction des comportements individuels et collectifs dans les catastrophes urbaines (Psychological modelling and prediction of individual and collective behaviour in urban disasters). Progress Report for MOCA project, ANR-08-CSOSG-00, submitted to the ANR Agence National de la Recherche, CSOSG Project, Concepts, Systèmes et Outils pour la Sécurité Globale.

LVMT (Barjonet, P. & Gezentsvey, M), INRETS et Université d’Angers (2010). Perception des risques dans les moyens de transport en France et en Norvège (Perception of risks on transport modes in France and Norway). Progress Report for PETRIS project, 08 MT S 032, submitted to the Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Sea, General commission of sustainable development, department of research and innovation.

Barjonet, P., Gezentsvey, M. & Mores, C. (2010). Perception des risques sur les réseaux de transports : Approche empirique et conceptuelle (Perception of risks on transport networks : An empirical and conceptual approach). Flux, 81, July-September, 19-32.

Ward, C., Masgoret, A-M., & Gezentsvey, M.A. (2009). Investigating attitudes toward international students: Program and policy implications for social integration and international education. Social Issues and Social Policy Review, 3(1), 79-102

Gezentsvey, M.A., & Ward, C. (2008). Unveiling agency: A motivational perspective on acculturation and adaptation. In R.Sorrentino & S. Yamaguchi (Eds.), The handbook of cognition and motivation within and across cultures. (Ch. 10) New York: Elsevier.

Gezentsvey, M. (2003) “Attitudes towards international education and international students: A test of the instrumental model of group conflict”, Honors Thesis, School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington


You can access Michelle's thesis here.

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