Shalom Schwartz
- CACR Honorary Fellow
- Professor Emeritus of Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Supervisor of the Socio-Cultural Psychology Laboratory of the National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Category: Honorary Fellow
Homepage: Here
Prof. Schwartz visited CACR in July 2011 and delivered a public lecture on his research into Personal Values and Socially Significant Behavior.
He has collaborated in research and published with CACR Fellow Ronald Fischer.
Selected publications
Schwartz, S. H. (2010). Basic values: How they motivate and inhibit prosocial behavior. In M. Mikulincer & P. Shaver (Eds.), Prosocial motives, emotions, and behavior: The better angels of our nature (221-241). Washington: American Psychological Association Press.
Schwartz, S. H. (2011). Values: Individual and cultural. In S. M. Breugelmans, A. Chasiotis, & F. J. R. van de Vijver (Eds.), Fundamental questions in cross-cultural psychology (pp. 463-493). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schwartz, S. H., Caprara, G. V., & Vecchione, M. (2010). Basic personal values, core political values, and voting: A longitudinal study. Political Psychology, 31, 421-452.
Bilsky, W., Janik, M., & Schwartz, S. H. (2011). The structural organization of human values – Evidence from three rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS). Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42, 759-756.
Sagiv, L., Schwartz, S. H., & Arieli, S. (2011). Personal values, national culture and organizations: Insights applying the Schwartz value framework. In N. N. Ashkanasy, C. Wilderom, & M. F. Peterson (Eds.), The handbook of organizational culture and climate. Second Edition (pp. 515-537). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Piurko, Y., Schwartz, S. H., & Davidov, E. (2011). Basic personal values and the meaning of left-right political orientations in 20 countries. Political Psychology, 32, 537-561.
Siegel, J. I., Licht, A. N., & Schwartz, S. H. (in press). Egalitarianism and international investment. Journal of Financial Economics.