Our history

The Centre for Cross-cultural Research fosters research responding to the challenges of globalisation, migration and growing cultural diversity.

Established in 2004, the Centre for Cross-cultural Research (CACR) develops sound theory and research to support:

  • understanding of cross-cultural similarities and differences
  • acceptance of cultural diversity
  • developing effective strategies to improve inter-cultural communication and
  • enhance intercultural relations for the benefit of individuals, groups, organisations and the wider society.

We are international experts in cross-cultural research. Our members are leading New Zealand diversity researchers, and we maintain close ties to international researchers at the highest levels.

All CACR activity within New Zealand acknowledges the central importance of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi—Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand's founding document, to this nation.

Our students

CACR has undergraduate and postgraduate students, and regularly hosts short-term research interns. The majority of CACR students study psychology, but CACR is cross-disciplinary and opportunities exist in other disciplines as well.

Our students come from all over the world to study and work with us. Our alumni have come from a wide range of countries across the globe including Palestine, Germany, Sweden, Malaysia, Canada, the USA, China, Hungary, the Pacific Islands, Iran, Japan, Ireland, Brazil, Singapore and Estonia – to name just a few.

Our Centre prides itself in fostering a cooperative whānau (family) atmosphere and this is one of the things that our students appreciate most when they reflect on their experience with us. Students and interns are supported throughout their academic and research journey by a group of like-minded fellow students and staff. We actively pursue a positive community of connectedness to ensure that everyone has a strong sense of belonging to the CACR working towards a shared vision and goal.

Our Centre offers our students regular opportunities to connect with our various stakeholders in Government and the community ensuring that their experience has real life application.

Our advisory boards

The CACR is fortunate to benefit from the advice and expertise of our International Advisory Board and our National Advisory Board. Members of these boards play a valuable role in the strategic direction of the Centre.

The International Advisory Board was set up in 2013 with five members, all of whom are preimminent scholars of the global academic community in cross-cultural psychology.

Our National Advisory Board was inaugurated in 2004 to provide strategic advice to the Centre and help to develop and align the Centre’s research activities to the interests and needs of Government and the various ethnic and migrant communities represented in Aotearoa and internationally. The Board met three times a year with members being invited to serve a three-year term which could be renewed for a further three years. In 2015 the National Advisory Board was disestablished in favour of better strengthening our individual stakeholder relationships by direct and ongoing collaborations. See a list of all previous National Advisory Board members.

Our stakeholders

CACR stakeholders include academics, government bodies, the private sector, and non-government organizations, including various community groups. We have strong external links both nationally and internationally, and work hard to continually develop and maintain these links.


  • 2004-2010 - Colleen Ward
  • 2010-2014 - Colleen Ward and James Liu (Co-Directors)
  • 2015-2018 - Colleen Ward
  • 2018-2019 - Ronald Fischer and Taciano Milfont (Co-Directors)
  • 2019-2020 - Taciano Milfont
  • 2020~        -  Joseph Bulbulia

Centre managers

  • 2004-2007 - Sue Hanrahan
  • 2008-2011 - Morgan Davie
  • 2012-2014 - Rochelle Stewart-Allen
  • 2015-2022 - Maree Kibblewhite