Picked your postgraduate programme—what next?

Choosing a programme that matches your goals is the first step in your postgraduate study journey. Find out what comes next.

Picked your postgraduate programme—what next?

Choosing a programme that matches your goals is the first step in your postgraduate study journey. Find out what comes next.

09 Feb 2025

So you've settled on a programme that fits your life and career goals. Well done. But now it's time to think about the application process, your timetable, your courses, and more.

To make your postgraduate study journey go as smoothly as possible, we've put together a checklist for you to consider.

Apply for your programme

If you’re a domestic student you can apply for your courses online. If you’re an international student see the information on applying as an international student.

If you’re applying to study the Executive MBA or the Postgraduate Diploma or Certificate in Business Administration, and if you meet the selection requirements, you will be invited by the programme coordinator to an interview with the programme director. If your interview is successful, you will then be invited to enrol in the programme.

Plan your timetable

Your life may look a little different now than when you were studying an undergraduate degree. That’s why it’s important to consider your course timetable and any time restraints that you may have to juggle.

If you’re working while studying, selecting your courses and organising your timetable early may help you to assess your time commitments and give your employer an idea of when you might need time off.

Check how your courses will be taught

Your courses will either be taught online, in person, or through dual delivery. Make sure you know how your courses will be taught and where your classes will be held.

Search for scholarships

Scholarships are available to everyone, no matter what your background, interests, and career goals. You can search for scholarships:

You can also contact the Scholarships Office for advice.

Think about your long-term career goals, and what sort of scholarship options there might be for you desired career path.

Speak to your employer about support

If you’re planning to work while you study, speaking to your employer is an essential step. For guidance, check out our article on Asking your employer for support.