Chair in Public Finance

From 2011 to 2022, the Chair in Public Finance conducted research on public finance to improve the quality of public policy in New Zealand and overseas.

The Beehive, Wellington


Headshot of senior gentleman in business suit
Prof. Norman Gemmell

The Chair in Public Finance was established in 2011 within the Wellington School of Business and Government in association with a number of external stakeholders.

The main aims of the Chair were to conduct research in public finance and engage with public policy institutions to help improve the quality of public policy advice in New Zealand and overseas.

Norman Gemmell was appointed as the first holder of the Chair in Public Finance in 2011. He held the Chair until April 2022.

Key sponsors

From 2011 to 2022, the Chair was sponsored by a number of stakeholders including:

  • The Treasury New Zealand (2011–21)
  • Inland Revenue Department (2011–21)
  • Ministry of Social Development (2011–16)
  • PwC (2011–16)
  • Ministry of Education (2016–21)
  • The Productivity Commission (2015–19).

In addition, the Chair received support from the Endeavour Fund at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) during 2016–19 and 2019–22.


At its inception, the Chair in Public Finance had three main objectives:

  • to advance rigorous, respected public finance research in New Zealand
  • to engage with key stakeholders to improve the quality of public finance analysis, discussion, and policy advice in New Zealand
  • to develop public finance capabilities in New Zealand.

To achieve those objectives the CPF produced various publications and undertook engagement, training and event activities. These included:

  • setting up public finance working paper and newsletter series
  • pursuing publications in international and New Zealand academic and policy-focused journals
  • publishing in magazines and newspapers aimed at public policy experts and the general public
  • attending and presenting at academic and public policy conferences, seminars, and workshops in New Zealand and overseas
  • organising conferences, workshops, debate series, ‘research days’, and ‘masterclasses’ on public finance topics. Some of these were co-organised with CPF sponsors
  • hosting visiting international research scholars and public lectures
  • setting up dedicated websites to disseminate public finance research and related information
  • joining expert panels and advisory groups requiring public finance expertise. These were typically organised by New Zealand public service departments or private policy think-tanks
  • organising the New Zealand Government, Minister of Finance’s Academic Economics Advisory Group—a small group of economics professors invited to advise him of economic policy, meeting two to three times per year from 2011 to 2017.

Research and publications


Research by the Chair included policy-focused projects that aimed to show how rigorous public finance research could inform tax and expenditure policy in practice.

See our research


Outputs produced by the Chair included academic publications, annual reports, and working papers.

Access publications

Past events

The Chair in Public Finance hosted workshops, seminars, debates, and other events.

See past events