Selected publications
Details on our selected publications and a list of our annual reports.
Selected publications
- Lips, A.M.B.(2019) 'Digital Government: Managing public sector reform in the digital era'. Routledge; London.
- Pacheco, E., Lips, A.M.B, and Yoong, P. (2018) 'ICT-enabled self determination, disability and young people'. Information, Communication and Society, 22:8; 1112-1127.
- Lips, A.M.B. (2017) ‘Transforming Government Services over time: meanings, impacts, and implications for citizen—government relationships’, in: Yu-Che Chen and Michael Ahn (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Information Technology in Government, London/New York: Routledge, 2017. DOI 10.4324/9781315683645.ch2.
- Eppel, E.A. and A.M.B. Lips (2016) ‘Unpacking the black box of successful ICT-enabled service transformation: how to join up the vertical, the horizontal and the technical, Public Money & Management, 36:1, 39-46, DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2016.1103417.
- Lips, A.M.B. (2014) 'Does digital by default transform Government by default?', in W.H. Dutton & M. Graham (eds.) The Society and the Internet Reader, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 179-194.
- Lips, A.M.B. (2013) ‘Reconstructing, attributing and fixating citizen identities in digital-era government’. Media, Culture and Society, 35(1): 61-70.
- Lips, A.M.B. (2012) 'E-government is dead: Long live Public Administration 2.0.' Information Polity 17(3-4): 239-250.
- Lips, A.M.B., R.R., O'Neill, E.A., Eppel, (2011). 'Cross-Agency Collaboration in New Zealand: An Empirical Study of Information Sharing Practices, Enablers, and Barriers in Managing for Shared Social Outcomes', in: International Journal of Public Administration, 34:4, 255-266.pdf178KB
- Lips, A.M.B. (2011). 'E-Government is dead—long live networked governance': fixing system errors in the New Zealand public management system, in: B. Ryan & D. Gill (eds.) Future State: Directions for Public Management in New Zealand , Victoria University Press.
- Lips, A.M.B. (2010). 'Rethinking Citizen—Government Relationships in the Age of Digital Identity: Insights from Research Findings', Information Polity, IOS Press, Vol.15:4.pdf1.9MB
- Lips, A.M.B. & T. Schuppan, 'Transforming E-Government Knowledge through Public Management Research', in: Public Management Review, November 2009, Vol.11:6, 739-749. pdf127KB
- Lips, A.M.B., J.A. Taylor & J.Organ, ‘Identity Management, Administrative Sorting and Citizenship in New Modes of Government’, in: Information, Communication & Society, August 2009,Vol.12, Issue 5, pp.715-734.pdf156KB
For a full list of publications by the Chair in e-Government, see Miriam Lips CV pdf231KB.