Inclusive tutoring
A resource to help tutors create an inclusive environment in their tutorials.
Inclusive tutoring creates a classroom environment where students from a diverse range of backgrounds can learn.
Inclusivity creates a safe and respectful environment
Victoria University of Wellington's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Framework outlines the University’s commitment to meeting the needs of the diverse members of our community.
At Wellington School of Business and Government, we honour this framework by creating a safe and respectful environment for all students and staff. As tutors, we are often face-to-face with students, so we have a great opportunity to facilitate inclusivity for our students. We can ensure our students feel respected and valued—which will help them to engage well and succeed.
How Pablo facilitates inclusivity into his tutorials
Captions are available by selecting 'CC'.
Inclusivity from a student perspective
Captions are available by selecting 'CC'.
Resource sections
Communication techniques
Learn about communication techniques that can help you to be an inclusive tutor.
Inclusive environments
Learn how to create an inclusive environment in your tutorials.
Specialised advice
Advice for helping create an inclusive environment for different groups.
Inclusive tutoring cheat sheet
Get some tips on being an inclusive tutor.
Connecting students to Student Services
Students who need support may come to you, their tutor, as a first point of contact. Find out about services that may be helpful to your students.
Find out more
You can use this inclusive teaching checklist to see if your tutorials are inclusive.
The universal design for learning is an empirically-based framework that aims to optimise learning through inclusive teaching techniques.
These case studies from the University of Plymouth provide examples of inclusive teaching and learning best practice.
This resource on reducing stereotype threat will show you how stereotype threat can occur in the classroom and how you can avoid it.
This literature review includes information on effective teaching in an inclusive classroom.