Services introduction
This short video introduces some of our core services for students—learning and financial support, health and counselling, wellbeing, disability support, and recreation.
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Explore support services
Discover the wide range of services and support—and useful tools—that are available to you as a student. We're here to help!
Find a servicePipitea student hub
Get the support you need—register for a course advice, Student Learning, Careers and Employment, Global Exchange, or International Students Support session at Pipitea.
View hub timetable

Health, safety, and wellbeing
The University has services and resources to help keep you happy, healthy, and safe while you study—whether that's physical or mental health, or general wellbeing.
Find out more
Te Taiako—Student Learning
At Student Learning we are passionate about supporting you in your studies so that you have a positive learning experience while studying at the University.

International student experience
Get help from our advisors on wellbeing, insurance, and visa support. We'll be there for you from orientation to graduation.

Te Amaru—Disability Services
Disability Services is a leading provider of disability advice, expertise and support. We work in partnership with you to provide tailored advice and services.

Rainbow students
We offer a range of services and resources for students who identify with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and sex characteristics.

Āwhina—Māori student support
Āwhina is the on-campus whānau for Māori students to work together to share knowledge, achieve academic success, and build strong communities and leaders.

Support for Pasifika students
The Pasifika Student Success team can help you navigate your transition into tertiary study, with study spaces, support staff and mentoring programmes.

Refugee-background students
Find information, support, and advice tailored specifically to students with refugee backgrounds and learn about our student-led club.

Support for students outside New Zealand
Students studying outside New Zealand have access to a wide range of support and services at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.

Support for postgraduate students
There are a number of services and resources offered to postgraduate students at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.
Study support
Find out how you can help other students with their studies—or get assistance for yourself.
Student interest and conflict resolution
It’s important to us that our students study, live, and socialise in a supportive and respectful environment.
The Pastoral Care Code
The Pastoral Care Code outlines our role in making sure students are well and safe. Learn about our improvement projects, provide feedback, or make a complaint.