Our team

Find out about our researchers and therapists, including roles, biographies, and contact details.

Clinic lead

Senior Lecturer in Educational Psychology
School of Education


Siobhan Gardiner profile-picture photograph

Siobhan Gardiner

Community coach and PhD Student
School of Education

Phoebe Jordan profile-picture photograph

Phoebe Jordan

Experienced Coach and Research Assistant
School of Education

Tyra Land profile-picture photograph

Tyra Land

Community Coach and Research Assistant
School of Education

Selina Muralitharan profile-picture photograph

Selina Muralitharan

Community Coach
School of Education

Courtney Smith profile-picture photograph

Courtney Smith

Community Advisor and Experienced Coach
School of Education

Jessica Tupou profile-picture photograph

Jessica Tupou

Māori and Strategic Advisor, Lecturer
School of Education

Karen Watson profile-picture photograph

Karen Watson

Speech and Language Therapist
School of Education

Research Assistant
School of Education

Research Fellow
School of Education

Teaching Assistant
School of Education

Seva Quliyeva profile-picture photograph

Seva Quliyeva

Community Coach and Research Assistant
School of Education