
The Autism Clinic works to develop and evaluate best practice for supporting autistic children in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The ten staff members of the Autism Clinic gathered around a table

The Autism Clinic aims to use the findings from world-leading research to better support autistic children and their whānau.

Access for all

We offer access to support for children, parents, and educators—often at just the cost of room hire.

We work with an advisory group of autistic adults, parents, and advocates to increase the accessibility and relevance of our services.

Find out more about accessing our support.


We research a variety of approaches for young autistic children, their whānau, and their wider support network. Our research suggests that our supports improve engagement between autistic children and their whānau/support people and improve parents' use of strategies to support their child.

Find out more about our research.

Terms and conditions

View our Autism Clinic Terms and Conditions.

Our team

Find out about our researchers and therapists, including roles, biographies, and contact details.