
View the range of resources available to students at the Wellington School of Architecture.

Student administration office

The Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation office offers advice and information on:

  • admission
  • qualifications and courses
  • course advice and selection criteria
  • exemptions and prerequisites and
  • your Application to Study.

For more information, please contact us:
Phone: 0800 040404

Student common room

The Student common room is for students to relax and take time out from lectures. Facilities include a TV, lounge, kitchen facilities and storage lockers.

Student Academic Services

Counselling and health services are available from Student Academic Services. Appointments can be arranged on Te Aro campus.

Other services are available on Kelburn campus:

  • accommodation
  • career development and employment
  • crèche
  • disability support services
  • financial support and advice
  • student learning support service.

Te Aro campus facilities

Our campus has a range of high-tech facilities for student use, including:

  • design studios
  • construction workshops
  • graphic workrooms
  • video production and editing suites
  • photography studios
  • exhibition spaces
  • computer laboratories.

Many of these facilities are supported by campus technical staff. The Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation website has detailed information on all the facilities on campus.

Architecture and Design Library

The Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation has a dedicated on-campus library. It holds a range of material relating to the subjects taught on campus. The Faculty website has detailed information about library facilities as well as information and links to the main library on Kelburn Campus.

Technical Resource Centre

The Technical Resource Centre shop stocks a range of drawing and modelling materials, course materials, consumables and reprographic supplies. The shop also loans specialist building science and environmental equipment, cameras and audio equipment.

Other services include crediting printing accounts, 3D rapid-prototyping, laser cutting and printing.

Collected Archives

The Architecture and Design Collected Archives are a selection of manuscripts related to architecture at Victoria University of Wellington. The collection supports staff and postgraduate research in New Zealand architecture and design history.

The major archives include:

  • Perry Martin Hill Archives
  • Gray Young Archives
  • Helen Tippett Collection
  • Cubitt Scrapbook Collection.

Campus Security

Campus Security looks after security, cleaning, parking and access at Te Aro and Kelburn campuses.

Phone: 04 463 5398

Emergency security services: extn 8888 or 463 9999.

More information is available from Campus Care.

Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association

The Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association (VUWSA) is your students’ association. It carries out a number of diverse roles, but overall its task is to serve students. When you enrol at the University you become a member of the Association which gives you voting rights at all student meetings and VUWSA general elections.

VUWSA supports and funds the many student clubs and societies at Kelburn and Pipitea campuses and provides entertainment, including Orientation, Reorientation and other events throughout the year.

More information is on the VUWSA website.


STUDiO is the representative group for students in all courses of study at the Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation. STUDiO officers are elected each year and are responsible for everything from social and sporting events to student representation on faculty boards.

STUDiO holds regular social events such as STUDiO-invited talks, barbeques, drinks evenings and sports tournaments. They run the annual STUDiO Ball each August and design competitions throughout the year, arrange student discounts with local shops and suppliers and generally incite fun and excitement to give everyone a break from study now and then. Along with class reps, STUDiO reps are able to assist their fellow students with course-related issues.

STUDiO is always looking for people to get involved and help run things—keep an eye out for STUDiO noticeboards near the atrium staircase of the Te Aro Campus and the Facebook page for information about evenings and meetings.

To get in touch with a committee member please email us at

Student Architecture Network New Zealand

SANNZ was formed in 2008, in response to students wanting better connections between schools, architects, architecture students and the international creative community.

SANNZ is a network that represents all current New Zealand architecture students and any student enrolled in a New Zealand architecture school (Victoria University of Wellington, Auckland University and Unitec) is eligible to join.

More information is on the SANNZ website.