Hossein Panahi

Urban form characteristics and land surface temperature - A spatial analysis of patterns, relationships and scenarios in New Zealand cities

Hossein is a PhD student in urban studies and planning. He is broadly interested in spatial planning, geospatial analysis and modelling, land use planning and modelling, GIS and remote sensing and urban heat islands. His current research focuses on the role of urban form characteristics in land surface temperature and UHI effect. His research aims to understand the spatial pattern of the urban thermal environment, analyse the influence of 2D/3D elements on land surface temperature, and propose effective urban planning scenarios to mitigate UHI effects.

Prior to arriving at Victoria University of Wellington, Hossein completed BA in urban planning and MSc in regional planning at Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran, where he focused on the simulation of future land use/cover Scenarios in metropolitan areas. Hossein has also worked with a number of consulting engineers in urban and regional development plans as an urban planner and GIS analyst.

Researchgate profile



Dr Brenda Vale and Dr Mirjam Schindler