Archived projects
Building evaluation techniques resource book
This CBPR publication provides clients of the building industry with improved access to building evaluation techniques to manage the value of their built assets.
Briefing and procurement of office accommodation
In this project CBPR provided the Department of Health with research support and guidance for the briefing, procurement and post occupancy evaluation of its new office accommodation.
Survey of building performance
CBPR has begun a pilot survey of office buildings in Wellington including occupant perceptions of their buildings and environmental monitoring.
Environmental impact of buildings
As part of the pilot survey, the Ministry for the Environment has provided a grant for data collection on the environmental impact of the buildings - an aspect which has recieved little systematic attention.
Building environmental performance criteria
CBPR has prepared an annotated bibliography and discussion paper on criteria related to the thermal, ventilation/air purity, lighting/visual, and acoustic performance of buildings, for WORKS Consultancy, Wellington.
Building quality assessment
The research basis and methodology to assess the overall quality of buildings has been provided to develop the BQA system with a series of BQA assessment modules for a range of commercial types and residential buildings. This project is now being developed for international use in association with a worldwide consultancy network.
Air quality assessment
At the request of several commercial building tenants, the Centre has carried out surveys of fresh air delivery rates and air movement in occupied spaces.
Design for safety in the commercial and service sector
CBPR is developing a draft New Zealand Standard and guidance for safety in the commercial workplace, funded by the Accident Compensation Corporation.