Current projects
The Centre for Building Performance Research is currently working with public and private organizations investigating the following areas of building performance:
Embodied Energy
Providing a system by which an enhanced set of embodied energy coefficients for New Zealand building materials could be routinely maintained and expanded.
Urban Quality
Investigates the physical environment of inner-city areas, and the effect buildings have on adjacent public space, given the increasing urban population.
Recent projects
The Centre for Building Performance Research has undertaken several projects under contract to public and private organizations. All involve the study of actual buildings and the use of the results to improve the performance of new and existing buildings.
Daylighting—IEA Task 21
Demonstrate that daylight conscious design can significantly improve energy efficiency while maintaining a satisfactory visual and thermal environment for occupants.
Natural ventilation
Developing procedures and systems for the incoporation of natural ventilation concepts into existing and new urban buildings.