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ANDRILL project
ANDRILL project
Containers of equipment and supplies c. Tim Naish 2006-2007
Onboard the C-17 headed to the Ice c. Tim Naish 2006-2007
Aerial view of ANDRILL drill site c. Tim Naish 2006-2007
ANDRILL drill site c. Tim Naish 2006-2007
Looking into the drill hole c. Gavin Dunbar 2006-2007
Close up of the drill hole c. Tamsin Falconer 2006-2007
Sediment cores c. Tamsin Falconer 2006-2007
Moving length of core into the drill hut c. Tamsin Falconer 2006-2007
A Hagglund c. Rob McKay 2006-2007
Inside the drill tent. The drill mast and core barrels c. Tamsin Falconer 2007-2008
Skidooing c. Gavin Dunbar 2007-2008
Road to ANDRILL c. Gavin Dunbar 2007-2008
ANDRILL kitchen at Coulman High c. Tamsin Falconer 2010-2011
Mealtime, Coulman High c. Sanne Maas 2010-2011
Looking out from the ANDRILL kitchen window over the Ross Ice Shelf, Coulman High c. Sanne Maas 2010-2011
Coulman High tents, c. Tamsin Falconer 2010-2011
Camp toilet, Coulman High c. Tamsin Falconer 2010-2011
Fuel delivery at Coulman High c. Sanne Maas 2010-2011
Using a D6 to move camp from Site 2 to Site 3, Coulman High site survey c. Sanne Maas 2010-2011
Christmas at Coulman High c. Tamsin Falconer 2010-2011
Drilling holes using hot water drill for the vertical seismic profile array during the Coulman High site survey c. Sanne Maas 2010-2011
Hot Water Drill Hole, Coulman High c. Tamsin Falconer 2010-2011
Mike Williams water sampling, Coulman High c. Tamsin Falconer 2010-2011
Richard Levy and Jeremy Ridgen recovering gravity corer, with Sanne Maas capping off the core c. Tamsin Falconer 2010-2011