Offer process

Hall places are offered over stages—find out how our offer and waiting pool process works.

We generally receive more hall applications than the number of beds available, and with more than 2,500 hall places, it’s not possible to offer everyone accommodation at once.


To be eligible for an offer of accommodation in the first or second round of offers, you must complete your application by the closing date.

For hall places for the academic year (February to November), and for just Trimester 1, halls will begin to review applications early September.

The first round of offers will be sent from mid-September. However, no student is guaranteed to receive an offer at this point in the process.

The second round of offers will be sent mid-to-late October. After the first two rounds we will send offers fortnightly as spaces become available right up to move-in day.

Waiting pool

If you apply after 1 October, you will be placed in a waiting pool and may be offered a place as rooms become available.

If you have not received an offer by the end of the year, we recommend you expand your preferences to at least five halls by contacting the accommodation office.

As applicants decline their offers between October and the beginning of Trimester 1, offers are made to those in the waiting pool to fill the vacancies.

We recommended you don’t decline an offer because you want to be offered a place in another hall, as it’s unlikely you’ll receive a second offer. Applicants who have yet to receive an offer will be considered before you.

Stay in touch

We will email you occasionally to check whether you would like to remain in the waiting pool. If we don’t hear back from you, your application will become inactive and removed from the pool.

Let us know if your circumstances change and you no longer plan to live in our accommodation so we can make offers to other students.

If you don't get an offer

We will endeavour to place you in one of our halls, if possible. However, if you don’t receive an offer of a place in a hall by mid-January, you should start looking at alternative accommodation, such as private hostels or a room in an established flat.

Learn more about private accommodation.


Contact us if you have any questions about the waiting pool or alternative accommodation.