Feedback, concerns, and complaints

Find out how to give feedback, raise concerns, or make a complaint about living in our accommodation.

Giving feedback

We welcome feedback on any of our accommodation facilities and processes from students and the wider community. You can give feedback by:

For feedback about catering, you can use the TIME2Eat app, which connects directly with the catering team.

Raising concerns

If you can’t resolve a concern about your hall yourself, there are several ways you can raise it with others.

Talk to staff

Your starting point is to speak directly to your residential adviser (RA) or another staff member. Many issues can be resolved in this way including concerns around health and safety, hall facilities and maintenance, catering, cleaning, and ongoing noise issues.

Floor meetings

Floor meetings are a good place to raise and resolve common issues that affect everyone on the floor.

Hall residents’ committees

There are residents' committees in all halls that act to quickly raise and resolve matters that affect a wider group of students. If you are unsure who your floor representative is, speak to your RA.

VUWSA Halls Committee

Two or more representatives from each hall are elected to represent residents on the VUWSA Halls Committee. These representatives can raise issues and give opinions on behalf of fellow residents. If you have any unresolved issues, you can bring these up with your hall’s representative and they can advocate for you.

Online form

You can report your concern by using our online feedback form. There is the option to complete this form anonymously.

Resolving concerns

Our halls use a restorative process when appropriate to address conflict and rule breaking. This process requires everyone affected to work together to reach an agreement about what must be done to restore relationships.

Support person

You are welcome to have a support person to help resolve your concern. They may be another student, a residential adviser, an accommodation wellbeing adviser, or a family member.

Sensitive issues

Sensitive issues are treated confidentially. They are not discussed in groups or with other residents who are not directly involved. Examples of sensitive issues include, but are not limited to:

  • harassment of any form
  • allegations of sexually harmful behaviour
  • issues with the behaviour of another student or staff member
  • fear of reprisal
  • matters relating to the pastoral care of an individual.

These will be resolved with the support of accommodation management, and may include an Accommodation Wellbeing Adviser, a member of the Student Interest and Conflict Resolution team, and any nominated support person.

Cultural considerations

Culturally appropriate approaches that consider traditional processes for raising and resolving issues will be available to you.

The University is committed to acknowledging Te Tiriti o Waitangi by working in partnership with Māori. The spirit of tikanga is to seek resolutions to disputes and concerns in a manner that encourages a facilitated open exchange of views, and seek consensus and acceptance from all

Student Interest and Conflict Resolution team

You can contact the University’s Student Interest and Conflict Resolution team for confidential advice. They are available to support students and staff experiencing conflict, or who have a complaint or an issue with anyone in the University community.

VUWSA advocacy services

Students can access an independent advocacy service through the student association.

Making a formal complaint

After working with us, if you’re still not happy with how we’ve handled your concerns, you can make a complaint to the University.

External dispute resolution

If you’re not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can contact the following for help with seeking a resolution: