Can AI language models be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services?

Dr Simon McCallum and Professor Ali Knott discuss the impacts of AI in the public sector.

Lectures, talks and seminars; Events for alumni

Spotlight lecture

Can AI language models be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services?

Dr Simon McCallum and Professor Ali Knott discuss the impacts of AI in the public sector.

Presented by Professor Ali Knott; Dr Simon McCallum

17 July 2024 from 8.00 am - 9.00 am Jul 17, 2024 8:00 am Jul 17, 2024 9:00 am

Lecture Theatre 2, Rutherford House, Pipitea campus, Wellington

A light green banner with the words 'Spotlight Lecture Series' in dark green, with the letter 'o' in yellow.

Tune in to our Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington experts to discuss key topics currently impacting the public sector. This spotlight lecture is presented by Te Tari Rangahau—Research Office.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing very rapidly at present. A new generation of ‘large language models’ is at the forefront of these advances—systems such as OpenAI’s GPT and Anthropic’s Claude have caught the public’s attention. These systems can engage in remarkably humanlike conversations with users, in a wide variety of tasks and domains—organisations of all kinds are considering how they might use them to enhance the services they provide.

AI language models create many opportunities for improved efficiency and productivity. At the same time, they introduce many new risks, because it is very hard to guarantee their behaviour.

In this spotlight lecture, we will consider what use New Zealand government departments might make of them and will look at some of the pros and cons in detail as they play out in the domain of public service.