Student statistics

Find key statistics about domestic students, including the number of students enrolled, what they're studying, and other demographic information.

Our students come from all over the world to study at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington. The information they provide us with informs the University’s operations, functions and activities.

All of the information presented on this page is anonymised and presented to show numerical trends of students attending our University, using the following measures:

Total student enrolments

Student Total20202021202220232024
Total headcount 22,438 23,09021,83320,56920,939
Total EFTS117,76718,24116,70315,72815,880

Number of students by enrolment type

Students by Enrolment Type (Headcount)220202021202220232024
Pre-degree certificates/diplomas3 - School Leaver 55 49 71 95112
Pre-degree certificates/diplomas3 - Returner 75 41 22 4441
Pre-degree certificates/diplomas3 -Other new 229 88 122 242299
Undergraduate4 - School Leaver 2,882 3,083 2,918 2,8402,822
Undergraduate4 - Returner 11,356 11,743 11,247 10,51610,153
Undergraduate4 - Other new 2,395 2,321 1,708 1,4601,632
Postgraduate - Returner 3,784 3,942 3,864 3,6233,771
Postgraduate - Other new 986 974 8671,1331,2875

Number of students by gender

Students by Gender (Headcount)20202021202220232024
Female 12,974 13,443 12,890 12,14612,383
Male 9,336 9,408 8,647 8,2308,271
Another Gender6 128 239 296283285

Number of students by ethnicity

Students by Ethnicity7 (Headcount)20202021202220232024
European/Pākehā 15,245 15,848 14,698 13,55613,427
Asian 4,627 4,561 4,429 4,6555,060
Māori 2,295 2,491 2,354 2,2082,233
Pasifika 1,337 1,439 1,434 1,3251,370
MELAA8 792 797 764 786852
Other ethnicity 549 526 500468534

Number of students by age group

Students by Age Group (Headcount)20202021202220232024
≤ 19 5,698 5,793 5,564 5,1875,112
20–24 10,380 10,739 10,059 9,3479,210
25–29 2,510 2,601 2,332 2,3002,414
30+ 3,849 3,957 3,8783,8254,203

Number of students by funding type

Students by Funding Type (EFTS)20202021202220232024
Government Funded 15,950 16,931 15,605 14,28614,250
International Full-fee 1,817 1,311 1,0981,4421,630

Number of students by secondary school region

Domestic School Leavers by Last Secondary School Region (Headcount)20202021202220232024
Wellington 1,082 1,242 1,135 1,1331,221
Auckland 494 560 540 429417
Rest of North Island 776 809 803 831830
South Island 263 298 324 341288
Unknown (Including Te Kura) 180 95 848985


  1. Equivalent Full-Time Student.
  2. The qualification level is defined based on the Qualifications Award Category.
  3. Micro-credentials have been excluded.
  4. "Bachelor's with Honours" are included as undergraduate qualifications for the purpose of these tables.
  5. A very small number of postgraduate-level school leavers are present, who are integrated with postgraduate - other new group.
  6. Student gender diversity data were reported from 2019 onwards, while staff gender diversity data were reported from 2020.
  7. Both students and staff can identify with more than one ethnicity, which may result in subtotals exceeding the student and staff headcounts.
  8. MELAA stands for Middle Eastern/Latin American/African
  9. For more information, read our Annual Report.
  10. Check Education Counts for more tertiary education sector statistics.