Using music and music sheets

If you’re using music as part of your course, you need to ensure it’s for educational purposes and if copies are made, they are covered by our OneMusic licence.

The University Onemusic licence allows the University:

  • to perform music for educational purposes
  • communicate music for educational purposes
  • copy or reproduce music for education purposes.

Copying music

You can make copies of music:

  • From a commercial CD under the music licence, but it must be for University’s educational purposes
  • online under the music licence, but it must be for University’s educational purposes
  • broadcast under the Screenrights licence.

Sheet music

The University does not have a licence that allows for making multiple copies of sheet music for students.

You should either ensure that the sheet music is no longer protected by copyright, you have permission, or you meet the education provisions of the Copyright Act:

  • You can make one copy of sheet music for use in preparing and teaching a course, under section 44 (1) of the Copyright Act.
  • When making multiple copies, you can only copy three percent (3%) or three pages, but not if that constitutes the whole work, in which case the up to 50 percent rule, and 14 day rule means that work cannot be copied again by the University for 14 days. If this is to be relied upon, no charge can be made for the materials. See S44(3) f ii.
  • If using the library provided sheet music databases, check the licence provisions via Te Waharoa.