Campus security

The Campus Security team ensures a safe and secure environment for students and staff on campus.

We’re all responsible for security on campus. The Campus Security team ensures a safe and secure learning environment by monitoring activity on campus, keeping buildings and people secure and managing incidents. You need to play a part by staying vigilant, taking care with your property and reporting anything suspicious.

All three campuses have 24/7 security which includes CCTV cameras, night patrols and trained security staff on hand to attend and assist at all times.

Two Campus Secuirty staff at a desk looking at computer screens
University security staff.

Security emergencies

Campus Security attends and helps manage all types of emergency on campus.

You can find specific information about what to do in a range of emergency situations on the health and safety web pages. This includes what to do if:

In all cases, you should contact Campus Security on 0800 842 8888.

Find out what to do in different emergency situations.

Where staff, students, or members of the public have significantly breached University policy, failed to comply with a request made by the Vice-Chancellor, or endangered persons or property, they may be excluded, or trespassed, from the University precincts.

Taking care of your own security

There’s a lot you can do to keep yourself and your belongings safe on campus:

  • Don’t leave your belongings unattended.
  • Keep valuables out of view of others.
  • If you have an office, keep it locked when you’re not there, even for a short time.
  • Report suspicious behaviour or anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Campus safety escort service

If you are concerned about your safety, such as when returning to your car in the dark, you can request a security escort by calling the Campus Security team on 0800 842 8888. You may need to wait for security staff to become available to escort you. Security staff cannot go off campus.