Tūnga waka


Find out what parking is available on campus and what rules and regulations apply to parking on campus.

Staff can find relevant information on the Staff parking and permits page.

Parking for students

There are 94 Pay and Display parks available for students (as well as staff and visitors) located along Waiteata Road, and 15 parks behind 16 Kelburn Parade. Prices range from $3 an hour to $11 a day (7 am–7 pm). A $0.50 Credit Card fee applies per transaction.

Students who wish to park in either carpark can order a permit from VUWSA to park in this area at a discounted rate. Ensure your Pay & Display ticket is displayed alongside your permit otherwise you run the risk of receiving a breach notice.

Apply to the VUWSA for a permit.

Students are not able to park in other carparking areas on campus, apart from the motorcycle/scooter parking areas.


Permits are not required for motorcycles or scooters. A number of designated areas have been provided for these vehicles. Causing a hazard will result in an infringement notice.

  • Roof of Von Zedlitz service tower off Glasgow Street.
  • Laby—Under building at south end
  • Ring Road—Motorcycle deck behind Rankine Brown
  • Alan MacDiarmid basement (staff only)
  • 85 Fairlie Terrace

Motorcyclists should lock their bikes and take their personal property (helmets, etc) with them. The University is not responsible for any missing or damaged property parked on campus.

Parking for visitors

There are 94 Pay and Display parks available for visitors (as well as staff and students) located along Waiteata Road. Prices range from $3.00 an hour to $11.00 a day (7 am–7 pm).

Kelburn campus

Short term visitor parking (2 hours max). Bookings are essential:

Pipitea campus

Government Buildings, Whitmore Street—there are two parking space available for short visits. Email info@vuw.ac.nz or phone 0800 04 04 04 to arrange bookings.

Parking rules and regulations

Parking procedures

The University’s Parking Procedures pdf402KB include all the rules and regulations around parking on the University’s campuses and are the first point of information for anything to do with parking on campus.


The university campus precincts are pedestrian areas with vehicle access restricted to a maximum speed of 15 kilometres per hour (15 kph).

Illegal parking

With the exception of visitor parking and authorised contractor parking, parking on campus is restricted to staff permit holders only. If you are a staff member and wish to apply for a permit, email carparking@vuw.ac.nz for more information.

Any vehicle found parked illegally without a current and valid permit on reserved spaces, yellow lines, disability spaces, on the grass, in designated service areas, blocking fire egresses or on non-marked spaces is liable to be ticketed.

Parking across entranceways within the university precincts is prohibited. Doorways and/or emergency exits must never be obstructed by any vehicle, including cars, bicycles, scooters, and motorcycles.

Penalties for illegal parking

Any vehicle illegally parked on campus or not displaying a current and valid parking permit is liable to be ticketed at $85.

Reserved spaces

If a ‘reserved’ or named sign is missing from its mounting, email the Property Services Helpdesk or carparking@vuw.ac.nz.

Park at your own risk

The University takes no responsibility for any vehicles, bikes, scooters, or motorcycles parked on university-controlled property, whether or not vehicles are parked in designated parking areas. Staff, visitors, and contractors park at their own risk and the University does not accept any responsibility for damage to, or theft of vehicles while parked on university grounds.