- Mō mātou / About us
- Ko wai mātou?Our story
- Hautūtanga me ngā mana whakahaereLeadership and governance
- Te hanga o Te Herenga WakaOur structure
- Te Rūnanga o Te Herenga WakaUniversity Council
- Te Tumu whakahaereSenior leadership
- Whakatau mātaurangaAcademic quality assurance
- Mana whakahaere mātaurangaAcademic governance
- Ngā kaupapa here o Te Herenga WakaUniversity policy
- Mahere rautakiStrategic plan
- Manatārua i te Te Herenga WakaCopyright at the University
- ApatonoDelegations
- Ngā tānga pukapuka a Te Herenga WakaUniversity publications
- Mana taurite, kahukura, me te whakawhāitiEquity, diversity, and inclusion
- Tauira pāpāho, ruawhetūStudent communication and engagement
- Ngā papa akoranga me ngā rawa ahumahiCampuses and facilities
- Ngā wāhanga me ngā kuraFaculties and schools
- Ngā papa akoranga me ngā tohu whenuaOur campuses and sites
- Ngā pū rawa ahumahiSpecialist facilities
- Locate a room
- Whakawhanake papa akorangaCampus developments
- Ngā waka kawe tāngataPublic transport
- Tūnga wakaParking
- Te Herenga Waka Marae
- ToitūroaSustainability
- Ngā whare tapereVenue hire
- Campus security
- Mahi ki Te Herenga WakaWorking here
- Te paepae whakapā maiContacts and directories

Our campuses and sites
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington has three campuses and several sites spread out over Wellington city. We also have premises in Auckland's CBD.
Take a look Locate a roomMarae
Te Herenga Waka Marae is part of the University's commitment to te reo and tikanga Māori and is central for whānau on campus.
Find out more
Faculties and schools
A list of the faculties at the University, and the schools that are part of them.
Health and safety
Find out what to do if there is an emergency, and important information about health and safety on campus for students, contractors and visitors.
We are championing a sustainable future by fostering the leaders of tomorrow, delivering world class research and building a sustainable campus.
Adam Art Gallery
Contemporary art exhibitions that are open to all and free. Discover the University's own gallery at the heart of the Kelburn Campus.
Public transport
How to get to and between our campuses on foot, by bike, or on public transport.
Find out what parking is available on campus and what rules and regulations apply to parking on campus.
Hire a venue for an event or conference
Find out how to hire a University facility as a venue for your event. We have venues suitable for events like conferences, meetings, and seminars.
Te Huanui
Te Huanui will be Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington’s front door, connecting our campus to the city.