Dr Rodney Dormer

Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Accounting and Commercial Law
Rodney Dormer has held senior financial and operational management positions in both the private and public sectors. His research interests are focused on how information is used to define and direct organisational performance.
Rodney's teaching areas include management accounting and public sector accounting and management.
Recent publications
Dormer, R. (2016). Organisational Health and Capability in New Zealand’s Public Service. Public Money and Management, 23(6), 433-440.
Dormer, R. (2014). Whanau Ora and the Collaborative Turn. International Journal of Public Administration, 37(12), 835-845.
Goyal, K and R Dormer (2013). User Needs of Small Capital Market Entities. New Zealand’s External Reporting Board (XRB).
Dormer, R. (2013) State Sector and Public Finance Reform. The Chartered Accountants Journal, June 2013, 28-31.
Dormer, R. (2011). The Everyday Paradox: Managing Public Capital in New Zealand’s Public Service. A paper presented at the Fifth New Zealand Management Accounting Conference, Victoria University of Wellington.
Dormer, R. (2011) Child Welfare’s Iron Cage: Managing Performance in New Zealand’s Child Welfare Agency. International Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 34 (14), 905-917.
Dormer, R. (2011). Findings and Cross-cutting Themes from the Case Study Research. In D Gill (Ed.) The Iron Cage Recreated. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington Institute of Policy Studies.
Gill D. and R. Dormer (2011). Case study: Work and Income: How staff define their role and the performance information they use. In D. Gill (Ed.) The Iron Cage Recreated. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington Institute of Policy Studies.
Ryan B., D. Gill and R. Dormer (2011). Case study: Department of Corrections: How the department defines and assess performance and how its operational arms regard performance information. In D. Gill (Ed.) The Iron Cage Recreated. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington Institute of Policy Studies.
Dormer, R. (2010). Missing Links. Doctoral thesis. Victoria University of Wellington library.
Dormer, R. and D. Gill (2010). Managing Performance in New Zealand’s Public Service – A Loosely Coupled Framework? Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 14 (1) 43-59.