- Mō mātou / About us
- Ko wai mātou?Our story
- Hautūtanga me ngā mana whakahaereLeadership and governance
- Te hanga o Te Herenga WakaOur structure
- Te Rūnanga o Te Herenga WakaUniversity Council
- Te Tumu whakahaereSenior leadership
- Whakatau mātaurangaAcademic quality assurance
- Mana whakahaere mātaurangaAcademic governance
- Ngā kaupapa here o Te Herenga WakaUniversity policy
- Mahere rautakiStrategic plan
- Manatārua i te Te Herenga WakaCopyright at the University
- ApatonoDelegations
- Ngā tānga pukapuka a Te Herenga WakaUniversity publications
- Mana taurite, kahukura, me te whakawhāitiEquity, diversity, and inclusion
- Tauira pāpāho, ruawhetūStudent communication and engagement
- Ngā papa akoranga me ngā rawa ahumahiCampuses and facilities
- Ngā wāhanga me ngā kuraFaculties and schools
- Ngā papa akoranga me ngā tohu whenuaOur campuses and sites
- Ngā pū rawa ahumahiSpecialist facilities
- Locate a room
- Whakawhanake papa akorangaCampus developments
- Ngā waka kawe tāngataPublic transport
- Tūnga wakaParking
- Te Herenga Waka Marae
- ToitūroaSustainability
- Ngā whare tapereVenue hire
- Campus security
- Mahi ki Te Herenga WakaWorking here
- Te paepae whakapā maiContacts and directories
Emergency contacts
Internal: Extn 8888 Campus Emergency line.
External: 0800 842 8888 Campus Security Office.
If you wish to send an email message to any staff member at Victoria University of Wellington, the correct address format is: firstname.lastname@vuw.ac.nz
For general enquiries, email info@vuw.ac.nz.
Switchboard: If operator assistance is required, phone 0800 04 04 04,
or +64 4 472 1000.
Auto attendant: if an extension is known, phone +64 4 463 5233.
Postal address
[Name of person/department]
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Faculty contacts
A list of contact information and location details for each of our faculties and schools.
Student enquiries
Contact our Future Students or Wellington University International teams for advice on courses, admissions, and studying with us.
Media enquiries
Our Communications team is the key point of contact for all media enquiries.
OIA and Privacy Act requests
Find contact details for requests under the Official Information Act or Privacy Act.
Website enquiries
If you have a suggestion or a complaint about our website, use this form to let us know.
Health and safety
If you are involved in an incident, injure yourself, or see something which may harm a person or cause damage to one of our buildings, report it to our team.