- Ruawhetū / Engage with us
- Ahumahi me te KāwanatangaIndustry and government
- AorereGlobal
- Te ao matawhānui me te haporiPublic and community
- Ngā mahi toi me ngā ahureaArts and culture
- Ngā ratonga me ngā rawa ahumahiServices and facilities
- Te ara roa kia matatauLifelong learning
- Professional development
- Micro-credentials
- Public lectures
- edX at Wellington
- Ethical Leadership in a Changing World
- New Zealand Landscape as Culture: Wai (Water)
- New Zealand Landscape as Culture: Maunga (Mountains)
- New Zealand Landscape as Culture: Motu (Islands)
- Antarctica: Life on the Frozen Continent
- Antarctica: From Geology to Human History
- Restorative Justice and Practice: Emergence of a Social Movement
- Certificate of Proficiency
- Short courses
- Book Arts Studio
- Ngā hononga ki te haporiCommunity partnerships
- Mahi tahi me ngā kuraWorking with schools
- Ākonga tūaoStudent volunteers
- Kaupapa matawhānuiPublic events
- Ika a WhiroAlumni
- Ngā pūrongo me ngā kaupapaNews and events
- Ngā huaBenefits
- Ngā ika a WhiroOur alumni
- Distinguished Alumni Awards
- Alumni stories
- Benjamin Johnson, BCOM and BSc
- Ellen Irwin, MSc
- Beth Brash, BA
- Anson Xu, BCA
- John Peterson, LLBHons, MA
- Patrick Kishino, BE
- Sian Crowley, BSC
- Srishti Narayan, BCAHons
- Karen O’Leary, BEd(Tchg)EC
- Lingy Au
- David Tan, BAHons
- Davinnia Tan, LLB, BA, LLM
- James Faiumu, BCOM
- Paige Dawber-Ashley, BCA
- Paul McGilvary, BCAHons
- Lauren Quaintance, BA
- Jono Srikanthan, BSc
- Guy Williams, BA
- Kirk Hope, LLB, BAHons, LLM
- Kate Keith-Fitzgerald
- Robert Curry
- Caitlin Elliott-Jones, BComHons
- Judge Mugeni Siwale-Mulenga, LLM
- Dimitri Geidelberg, LLB, BCA
- Polly Grainger
- Melissa Simchowitz, BA, MA
- Erin Judge
- Te Pūoho Katene BSc, BA
- Yasmin Yaacob
- Sara Morgan Watters, MSc
- Peggy Nobes MSwDev
- David von Dadelszen
- Adam McConnochie
- Mai Anh Nguyen
- Ashwin Sharma, BCA, MBA
- Sam Possenniskie, BA, BCAHons
- Liam Jolliffe
- Richard Cawood
- Nigel Searancke
- Clinton Williams
- Sarah Catherall
- Steve Bott
- Jeremy Cheng, IMBA
- Daniel Pengelly
- Roll of graduates
- Alumni authors
- Alumni Survey results 2023
- Tūhono maiStay connected
- TauutuutuGive back
- Whakapā maiContact us
- Ngākau makereGiving
- KohaDonate
- Tautokona te Pūtea Āwhina i ngā TauiraSupport the Student Hardship Fund
- Ngā kaupapa matuaPriorities
- Takoha ōhākīLegacy gifts
- Ngā kaituku kohaOur donors
- PānuiNews
- Ngā kaitiaki takohaThe Foundation
- Whakapā maiContact us
- Engage
- Ahumahi me te KāwanatangaIndustry and government
- AorereGlobal
- Te ao matawhānui me te haporiPublic and community
- Ika a WhiroAlumni
- Ngākau makereGiving
- Whakahono mai Access our expertise
- Honoa ki nga pūkenga Engaging academics
- Mahi tahi me te Kāwanatanga Working with government
- Whakawhanaketanga kaimahi Professional development
- Hono ki ngā tauira Connect with students
- Ngā hononga rangahau Research partnerships
Ahumahi me te KāwanatangaIndustry and government
- Ngā hononga rangahau ki tāwāhi International research partnerships
- Ngā hononga kahupapa International partnerships
- Te pae hihiri o ngā whare wānanga o ngā tāone matua Capital City Universities Initiative
- Whakapā mai Contact us
- Ngā mahi toi me ngā ahurea Arts and culture
- Ngā ratonga me ngā rawa ahumahi Services and facilities
- Te ara roa kia matatau Lifelong learning
- Ngā hononga ki te hapori Community partnerships
- Mahi tahi me ngā kura Working with schools
- Ākonga tūao Student volunteers
- Kaupapa matawhānui Public events
Te ao matawhānui me te haporiPublic and community

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Alumni stories
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New graduates
Congratulations on your graduation. Find out how to stay connected to the University and to the global network of our alumni. Also discover what benefits are available to you such as careers advice and discounts.
Discover moreAlumni benefits
Make use of the life-long benefits available to our alumni. You can get access to services such as the CareerHub and University Library, or take advantage of discounts on a range of products and services.
Explore benefitsOrder a transcript
You can access your Certificate of Completion or academic transcript—official academic records of your study and achievements at university.
Find out howAlumni authors
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Find out moreRoll of graduates
The roll of graduates lists the qualification details of everyone who has graduated from this university from 1998 onwards.
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Alumni Office
Contact the Engagement and Alumni team—phone us, drop in, or send us an email.